b'BUSINESSMATTERSweek before eventually transitioning tovisitors and encouraged even morehe had a lot left in him! Jack fondly Sunday brunches. Always immaculateyoung crew, and we added a licensedrecalled those early days at the Odyssey in this uniform, Jack mentored dozensmate in the wheelhouse.and treasures his friendships with the of young crew and mates on the path tocaptains, many in their late 40s now. their U.S. Coast Guard licenses throughHe only had two bad days: when his calm demeanor, supportive mannerMy happiest friends arehis Navy uniform had started to turn and wise counsel. Jack Day was a con- yellow with age, and when a training summate gentleman and role model.deeply engaged with othersdeckhand bumped the dock unexpect-His message was that each younglate into their lives. edly with the wine glasses suspended person was capable of far more thanon the bar ringing like the bells of St they thought they could do.Marys. Yet when Jack was in his early 80s I grew concerned and wanted a backupI was recounting this story inHeres what the seasoned teammates captain to ride along. I took the respon- Chicago to Captain Jason Stachnikcan do for you:sibility of having 500+ guests aboardwho told me Jack had celebrated hisWith their lifetime of work expe-seriously and noted that the Federal100th birthday and is still in touch withrience and wisdom, they have a Aviation Agency didnt let pilots (atmembers of the crew, hosting occa- treasure chest of applied maritime the time) fl y past age 60. Jack mightilysional lunches at the University Clubknowledge; Foghorn Ad 1|1/4p|3.375 x 4.875resisted what he called a babysit- where he used to hold court. I got JacksWhile we cant always keep up, ter. Happily, we eventually reachednumber and had a delightful conversa- seniors are comfortable with their an equilibrium: Jack continued to betion about his infl uence on the youngrole and bring a robust work ethic a robust company ambassador whocrew. Jack said he that drove boats forto whatever they tackle. Theyll be delighted hundreds of wheelhousea long time and obviously proved thatreliable for shifts, will deliver on PROPSPEED Propellers | Rudders | Shafts | Struts is effective on: |Trimtabs|IPSdrives|ThrustersKeel coolers | Underwater lights (clear coat) | Any underwater metal surfaceInnovative flexible couplings for marine applications USA based production Over 20 unique designs PROPSPEED can be used on boats of all types & sizes Over 16 million sold Bothrecreationalandcommercial,fromsport-fishers,Torsional vibration experts cruisers, sailboats and superyachts to work boats like ferries, Trust CENTAThe Global trawlers, tugboats, research ships and patrol boats.CENTALINKInnovator Since 1970 Carbon Fiber DriveshaftsCENTA Power trAnsmIssIon Save on your boats running costsHaving clean props and running gear lowers maintenance LeADIng By InnovAtIon costs, reduces corrosion and decreases fuel burn.2570 Beverly Dr. #128, Aurora, IL 60502T 630.236.3500 www.propspeed.com32OCTOBER 2019FOGHORN'