b'FOGHORN is a monthly publication of thePassenger Vessel Association. Copyright 2019.All rights reserved.PRESIDENTBob Lawler, Boston Duck Tours, Boston, MAVICE PRESIDENTBob Bijur, Island Queen Cruises, Miami, FLSECRETARY/TREASURERColleen Stephens, Stan Stephens Glacier and Wildlife Cruises, Valdez, AKBOARD MEMBERSRichard Davison, Paradise Cruise Ltd., Honolulu, HIJed Dixon, North Carolina Department ofVolume 18, Number 9OCTOBER 2019Transportation - Ferry Division, Manns Harbor, NCJim DeSimone, Staten Island Ferry, Staten Island, NYSteve Jones, Gateway Clipper Fleet, Pittsburgh, PA FOGHORN Focus:John Loke, Entertainment Cruises, Alexandria, VA Marine PropulsionPatrick Murphy, Blue and Gold Fleet,San Francisco, CAAlison Nolan, Boston Harbor Cruises, Boston, MAHoyt Purinton, Washington Island Ferry Line, 6 Diesel Engines Continue to OfferWashington, Island, WI Clean Propulsion OptionsJim Swindler, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, San Francisco, CA PVA vessel operators around the country are ASSOCIATE MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE helping to clear the air with new, energy efficient, Rob McMahon, Pinnacle Marine Corporation, cleaner-burning engines. Ezra Finkin reports. Stoddard, WI 12 Whats New in Marine Propulsion?PAST PRESIDENTS Marine propulsion options continue to expand Gus Gaspardo, Padelford Packet Boat Co., from conventional systems to hybrid-electric, to allAbout the Cover Saint Paul, MNelectric-powered vessels. Golden Gate Ferry is Jeff Whitaker, Hudson River Cruises, Inc., pondering how to continue Kingston, NY 17 Q&A with Damon Brewer: complying with ever-stringent Margo Marks, Charlevoix, MI A Conversation About Californias state-enforced emission EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Air Resources Board and What it regulations. See story on John R. Groundwater Means for Vessel Operators page 17.LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR California vessel operators may be facing Edmund Welch additional, more stringent emission regulationsColumnsREGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANT from a state agency. What does it mean and4 Presidents LetterPeter Lauridsen who is affected? Damon Brewer speaks out.5 Executive Directors DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 23PVA Annual Convention Continues LetterLeslie Kagarise to Evolve to Meet Customer Demands 25Safety MattersDIRECTOR, PUBLIC AFFAIRS Changes are afoot for attendees at the upcoming28Legislative ReportAND DEVELOPMENT PVA Annual Convention at MariTrends 2020 in30PVA CalendarJennifer Wilk Tampa, FL. Discover whats new.31Business MattersDIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS 35PVA WelcomesAND RISK MANAGEMENT 34Overtime Rule Issued Setting New Members Eric Christensen New Overtime Exemption Requirement 36How PVA Benefits YouMANAGER, SPECIAL PROJECTS The U.S. Department of Labor has issued the Zackery Reed final version of its much anticipated overtime39NewswireGENERAL COUNSEL exemption rule. What will it mean for vessel40Member NewsSteven Bers, Whiteford, Taylor and Preston operators? 42Publisher StatementEDITORIAL OFFICES 42Advertisers IndexManaging Editor: Karen Rainbolt pvafoghorn@aol.com 2771 Houston Dr., Los Osos, CA 93402 TEL: (571) 388-7752 PRINTED WITHCONTRIBUTING EDITOR: SOY INKRichard Purinton: richard@wisferry.com Washington Island Ferry Line, Washington Island, WIADVERTISING AND BUSINESS OFFICES PASSENGER VESSEL ASSOCIATIONPublisher: Peter Philips, peter@philipspublishing.com tel: 1 (800) 807-8360fax: (703) 518-5151pvainfo@passengervessel.comADVERTISING SALES: FOGHORN (USPS Number 023-702) is published monthly except combined January/February by Philips Bill Forslund: bill@philipspublishing.com Publishing LLC, 4257 24th Avenue W, Seattle WA 98199. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and 4257 24th Avenue W, Seattle, WA 98199at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FOGHORN, c/o Passenger TEL: (206) 284-8285 FAX: (206) 284-0391 Vessel Association, 103 Oronoco Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. Copyright 2019 by the www.philipspublishing.com Passenger Vessel Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the Passenger Vessel Association.OCTOBER 2019FOGHORN 3'