b'SAFETYMATTERSHomendy said she was taken abackmembers of the crew were asleep whenthe forward starboard (right) side. The by the small size of the emergencythe fire broke out. other escape was a vertical hatch in the hatch when she toured later the Visionaft part of the compartment. (a similar vessel to the Conception) withRegulatory46 CFR 181.400(e) requires modular a team of investigators. The vessel was constructed ofsmoke detectors in overnight passenger According to her NTSB officialplywood over fiberglass. Built inaccommodation spaces. That would biography, Homendy has experience in1981, it was an existing Subchapterhave been required retroactively under rail, pipeline, and hazardous materialsT boat built to conform to the olderNew T by March 1999, if not already safety and holds National Board cre- Subchapter T regulations. installed.dentials on Fire Service ProfessionalSince the vessel is wood/fiberglass,Fire detection would have also been Qualifications on Core HazMatit would have been required to berequired to be retrofitted in machinery Operations and Missions-Specific PPEretrofitted with a fixed gas fire extin- and fuel tank spaces under 46 CFR and Product Control (hazmat opera- guishing system in machinery and fuel181.400.tions level training).tank spaces by March 1999, under the46 CFR 185.410 Watchmen states: NTSB and the Coast Guard haverevised Subchapter T regulations, 46The owner, charterer, master, or stated it will be 12 to 18 months beforeCFR 181.115 and 181.400. This wouldmanaging operator of a vessel carrying their investigation is complete.be in addition to the portable extin- overnight passengers shall have a guishers as well as a required fixed fire The Coast Guard released apump.suitable number of watchmen patrol Marine Safety Information BulletinTwo means of escape fromthroughout the vessel during the (MSIB) on September 10, 2019, and thepassenger/crew compartments arenighttime, whether or not the vessel is NTSB issued a preliminary report onrequired by both old Subchapter T (46underway, to guard against, and give September 12, 2019. CFR 177.15-1) and new Subchapter Talarm in case of, a fire, man overboard, The NTSB report stated that all(177.500). One stairway was located onor other dangerous situation.26OCTOBER 2019FOGHORN'