b'CONVENTIONsession provides. Thus, a number ofgreen business practices for passengersions. Of course, these conferences topic-specifi c conferences are plannedvessel operators, New Technologies,continue to evolve over time allowing and held during the convention. Thewhich in 2019 centered on hybridfor new interests and business environ-ever-popular PVA Ferry Conferencetechnologies, and a battery workshopments. generally runs from three to four hoursthat offered expert explanations about and is populated with several sessions,lithium-ion batteries and their useWhats New in 2020?all relating to the U.S. ferry market.in passenger vessels. These types ofWhile many of these components Other conferences include the PVAsessions promote greater breadth andwill continue in Tampa this winter, Green WATERS, which features bestdepth, and allow for longer discus- some exciting new aspects are being planned. First, registering for the event is a whole new experience. You will be able register to attend or buy a MariTrends 2020 exhibit booth right on your Smartphone, tablet, or laptop via eventsquid.com. Its fast, easy, and secure. This software even offers a messaging function so you can easily communicate with other convention attendees. The Presidents Closing Dinner and Awards Ceremony, which has typically ended the convention on a high note, will be a little different this year. Instead of a sit-down affair, attendees will enjoy an upbeat party to allow conven-tioneers to say goodbye to friends for another year. Rock the Yacht will be an evening to remember and a fabulous fi nish for the 2020 event. What Will Never ChangeAnyone who attends a PVA Annual Convention at MariTrendswhether first-time attendees, 20-year conven-tion attendees, or everyone in between PLEASE DO NOTwill fi nd that the level of education-al topics, speakers, and presentation is top-notch and on-point in Tampa. REMAIN SEATED PVAs commitment toward providing a high-quality educational experience Do not switch of all electronics. Please move around freely.remains unchanged. PVA staff and And above all, do not miss the spectacular beauty off the sea.committees engage in a long, thought-With Cat high performance engines, the total time of yourful process to determine the topics that journey could be the same as flying. Only with better views.And without the leg cramps. passenger vessel operators need to succeed in the coming year and then carefully identify speakers with unique expertise and experience to enlighten attendees. See the video at Be sure to make plans now to storiesfromsea.com attend the PVA Annual Convention at MariTrends 2020. nSee our complete offer for ferries and cruise ships at marine.cat.com 2017 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow, the Power Edge trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.24 OCTOBER 2019FOGHORNcat_ad_ferries.indd 1 08/01/18 22:30'