b'CONVENTIONPVA Annual Convention Continues to Evolve to Meet Customer Demandsevolution February 3-6, 2020 Changes over the YearsHilton Tampa Downtown andSeveral years ago, in response ev-uh-looSH(e)nany process ofTampa Convention Center to an unexpected weather event, an formation or growth; development. Tampa, FL impromptu welcome reception was Dictionary.com quickly planned for PVA convention E volving to adapt to new situa- PVA Annual Convention2020 attendees. It was a hit and has been at MariTrends 2020 a popular event that kicks off every tions has been occurring since theconvention. That new-ish tradition dawn of time. The PVA Annualwill continue at the PVA Annual Convention at MariTrends, which hasConvention at MariTrends in Tampa, been in existence for decades, has alsowith a reception on February 3. This been evolving to continue to meetis the perfect way to start the meeting. the needs of PVA members and theAttendees can greet old friends and passenger vessel industry. This processmeet new ones in a relaxed setting. of adapting to changes continues andHalf-day conferences and round-in at the 2020 event in Tampa, Februarytables were introduced years ago when 3-6, attendees will once again experi- Go to www.passengervessel.com/ some attendees asked for more time maritrends.html for more informationdevoted to one subject area than the ence an ever-changing educationalas it becomes available. conventional 60-minute educational event. THE WATER-GO-ROUND IS FIRST INPOSSIBLE BECAUSE OF ITS CLASS OUR COMMITTED PARTNERSThis project is supported by the California Climate Investments Bay Ship and Yacht is honored to be(CCI) program.awarded the contract to build the first Hydrogen Passenger Vessel in the USA and the world. We are proud to be a leader in the industry while also doing our part to protect our environment.H 2 O5 1 0 . 3 3 7. 9 1 2 2w w w . b a y - s h i p . c o mA l a m e d a , C AOCTOBER 2019FOGHORN 23'